Good Shepherd Primary School

School Mass

During the school year, there are four masses for the students where they actively participate alongside their parents and teachers.

These are special celebrations that bring the school community and their neighbours together.

  • Location
  • :
  • Good Shephard
  • Dates
  • :
  • 16 Feb 2014
  • Media
  • :
  • Newsletter
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-Teachers-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-Innocence- e
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-Questions- s
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-Friends-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-Acomplices- es
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-Funny-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-Shy-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-Consecration- tion
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-A Joke-
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-Sausage Sizzle- Sizzle
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-Participation- ation
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: Good-Shepherd-School-Mass-You-